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Neil Thompson

Dr Neil Thompson is a highly experienced tutor and trainer. He is highly respected for his ability to explain complex ideas clearly and effectively. His gentle voice and unhurried approach are widely appreciated by online learners as will as attendees at his conferences and workshops. He is an independent writer, educator and adviser based in Wales. He has held full or honorary professorships at four UK universities. He is a well-published author with over 200 publications to his name, including 40 books, several of which are bestsellers. He has been a speaker at conferences in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Greece, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Hong Kong, India, the United States, Canada and Australia. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the Higher Education Academy and the Royal Society of Arts, and a member of the International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement. He was formerly the editor of the US-based international journal, Illness, Crisis & Loss and now edits the free e-zine, THE humansolutions BULLETIN. His main interests are in the field of well-being: equality and diversity; conflict management; stress; loss, grief and trauma; and reflective practice. He is a sought-after conference speaker, consultant and facilitator.
12 Courses
624 Students